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  • Captain_Obvious
    23. 11. 2023, 14:41

    pri tomto mi este napadlo ze mame jeden rest Devendra Banhart

  • cookie
    23. 11. 2023, 10:55

    no name je hudobne fajn, production super aj tie jazzy elementy ale ako osoba ... sry, je to peacha. nie nadarmo dostala review bombing za jej postoje a to, ze zavolala na collab takeho idiota ako jay electronica...

    "Face to face I bet nary a devil would test me
    And some fuckboy eighty-fiver come run up and press me
    It's all a hoax, quite simple, a joke like Zelenskyy
    The imams, the rabbis, and the Pope, incidentally"

    este to double downe! a hodi tantrum ked jej ludia zacnu vycitat cely antisemicky vers... cize u nej all good

    dalsia vec jej, co postovala (alebo este postuje, neviem zrusil som) na xitteri... same rasisticke sracky. aj cierna komunita cringuje z nej... white bad, kill em all

    • cookie
      23. 11. 2023, 11:16

      pozeram prave, ze baloons hrava. tak si spolu pekne zarapujeme ten versik :D idealne na hlavnom. bude hej

    • MG2
      23. 11. 2023, 11:23

      @cookie hahaha to fanatik-ideolog misko prehliadol, co teraz len spravi? nepride "z technickych pricin"? :))

    • Doktor_Zivago
      23. 11. 2023, 11:26

      @cookie Nice catch. Staci na to tlacit cez oficialne kanaly Pohody a mohli by to zrusit. Ktovie. Mozno to zas vybavoval Kascakov syn :)

    • haluzman
      23. 11. 2023, 11:43

      @Doktor_Zivago heh, presne toto opat vyzera na kascakovho syna ;) inak muzika fajn, ale jej "rap" sa neda pocuvat. a je to namyslena zmagorena peechhaa. jej koncert si ako white straight male necham teda utiect, aby chuderka nemala traumu. dikycko

    • Murdoc
      23. 11. 2023, 12:50

      @cookie geez. já ji po hudední stránce mám rád. netušil jsem, co má za postoje. tohle je bad.

    • haluzman
      23. 11. 2023, 13:17



      3 years ago
      I had the pleasure of seeing NoName at a small festival in Australia after her Telefone release. At the time, she was fairly unknown, I for one had not heard of her; and when she performed - I instantly became a fan. Australia is known for its multi-culturalism and she vibed with the crowd and killed the show. She did not seem too interested in the crowd knowing her either - she had energy and worked incredibly well with her live band. She rapped heavy and paced her songs. I then saw her again - two years later in line with her Room 25 release - at another festival.
      All she seemed to worry about was the fact that 85% of the crowd did not rap along with her incredibly dense and quick-paced lyricism. She got visibly and audibly annoyed with people not chanting back and forth "when I say, you say, etc" Instead of performing with her energy at her original show, she called the crowd "weak" and "pill-poppers". This was prime Australian summer at a crowded festival, and instead of just singing and rapping her songs - she was annoyed that no one else was.
      Brockhampton followed. They were incredible. The energy came with their presence of not giving a fuck and asking the crowd to mouth lyrics.
      Still love NoNames music, although she should not be blaming people, especially her "white fans" for their reactions to her eclectic rap style. She seems a bit up her own ass if I'm honest.

      3 years ago
      I saw this coming ever since I saw her live in Melbourne. She was a bad vibe. Not only did she seem openly pissed at her band for not learning the new album quickly enough (this was like 2 weeks after Room 25 came out), she kept commenting over and over again on how white the audience was, and even at one point said "ya'll invented racism" as if we were all supposed to approach her after the show to personally apologise. Why come to fucking Australia of all places if you don't want to play for white people?

    • Doktor_Zivago
      23. 11. 2023, 13:32

      @haluzman Tak mozno ju jebnu na nejaku tretiu rano do Vysegrad stanu a bude pokoj :)

    • Peter_BB
      23. 11. 2023, 15:12

      Dik moc vam vsetkym za tieto zaujimave a v podstate aj prekvapujuce informacie. Podla mna by bolo uplne OK, ak by Pohoda umoznila vystupit aj takejto kontroverznej osobe so sice aj podla mna velmi nestastnymi nazormi aj spravanim, ale zas je to vsetko verim v sulade s legislativou SR. Len je to "Hlava XXII" lebo ak nepridem na jej koncert, tak ma moze obvinit ze to bolo preto, ze som rasista. A sucasne ak pridem na jej koncert, asi ma obvini, ze som rasista :) A teraz bábo raď :) ..a uz som aj sexista :)))

  • thom
    23. 11. 2023, 09:20

    Čo budú stáť lístky po 9.1. ? Viete niekto?

  • PetoK
    23. 11. 2023, 00:12

    Pohoda team neuvazovali ste nad
    The War On Drugs - nieco neskutocne
    alebo The Teskey Brothers
    myslim ze obe kapelky by sa hodili na Pohodu a ric na serbel :)

  • Doktor_Zivago
    22. 11. 2023, 19:09

    Khruagbin na Colours!

  • Doktor_Zivago
    22. 11. 2023, 11:31

    Viete niekto ako je to s cenou listkov? Zaujimala by ma aka je max cena. Tych 129 eciek nie je konecna cena, ze?

  • dukon
    22. 11. 2023, 08:27

    prosim booking pro
    Kruder & Dorfmeister Live at AB - Ancienne Belgique (30th anniversary show)
    však z Vidne to maji kousek

  • Arabstrap
    21. 11. 2023, 13:55

    YLT by boli skvelí, zatiaľ ma nikdy nesklamali, rovnako ako Belle and Sebastian, Tindersticks alebo Emma Anderson s jej novým albumom.. všetky tieto gitarovky by osviežili lajnap..

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