Airport Trenčín 11 — 13 July 2024
Programme of the Martinus Literature Tent at Pohoda 2024

Programme of the Martinus Literature Tent at Pohoda 2024

Discover the packed programme that awaits you in the Martinus Literature Tent this year. Enjoy two days of high-quality readings and incredible guests. On Friday, look forward to Taiwanese award winner Salizan Takisvilainan, the newly crowned Magnesia Litera prose award winner Marek Torčík, Ivan Štrpka with Robo Roth, and LiteRapture featuring Dušan Vlk, Boy Wonder, and others. Saturday brings award-winning author Ḥassan Blāsim, the popular Martinus quiz, reporter Tomáš Forró, but also SLAM POETRY. → read more

10. June 2024