We Are Leaving the Airport – With Gratitude and Hope

We Are Leaving the Airport – With Gratitude and Hope

This evening at eight o'clock, we handed over the airport where we spent the last twenty-five days. During this time, we experienced beautiful moments during the construction, creating a strong backstage community that prepared our festival. We had a wonderful opening day, as the airport came alive with music and joy, followed by an excellent Friday filled with amazing concerts and a beautiful festival atmosphere, though our gathering came to an early end that evening. The safety of everyone at Pohoda is our priority, so we believe ending the festival on Friday was the right decision, and we stand by it. → read more

22. July 2024
Thank you to everyone who helped mitigate the effects of the extreme weather at Pohoda

Thank you to everyone who helped mitigate the effects of the extreme weather at Pohoda

The Pohoda Festival site has been evacuated and the last three cars in the car park are waiting for their drivers. We thank our visitors for the smooth evacuation, solidarity and support. We would like to thank the rescue teams – paramedics, meteorologists, police, municipal police, Fire and Rescue Corps, volunteer fire brigade from Opatovce and Selec, Ares security, our stewards, volunteers, members of the wider organisational team including parking attendants, wristband distributors, builders, cleaners, stage managers, helpers and bartenders. We would also like to thank the city of Trenčín and its inhabitants who offered their help to the festival visitors, as well as the people of Opatovce and Veľké Bierovce. → read more

13. July 2024
The departure of the special evacuation buses from outside the main stage has been moved to 12 noon to give you plenty of time to pack.

The departure of the special evacuation buses from outside the main stage has been moved to 12 noon to give you plenty of time to pack.

The capacity is sufficient to accommodate all those who wish to use this service. The evacuation buses, provided by Slovenská Sporiteľňa, will travel to Košice, Banská Bystrica and Bratislava, stopping at major towns along the way. The bus to Košice will take the northern route. You can register at the stand near the showers opposite the main stage. Additional buses will be available even after the scheduled departure time. → read more

13. July 2024