The recording of Cocorosie show
Sisters Bianca "Coco" and Sierra "Rosie" Casady, performing under the name CocoRosie, were a great closure of the shows on our biggest stages. → read more
Sisters Bianca "Coco" and Sierra "Rosie" Casady, performing under the name CocoRosie, were a great closure of the shows on our biggest stages. → read more
In recent days, we have launched the advance sale in three mortar shops, so you can get your tickets for the 20th edition of Bažant Pohoda in the Tourist Office in Trenčín and two other places in Bratislava – in Dr. Horák on Medená street, and in Artforum in Kozia street. Please note that out of the portion of the tickets for € 79, there are only less than 1,000 tickets left. → read more
Our thanks go to all who contributed to, in our opinion, the best edition of Pohoda ever, and especially to our visitors — they receive the traditional 10 points out of 10... and also to all of those who prepared the festival, worked on its construction and while it was on, and helped returning the area to its original state. The festival final credits follow :) → read more
Both our Michals (Kaščák a Sládek) are at Reeperbahn, the showcase festival and conference for music professionals, in Hamburg. This also indicates the beginning of the booking season. The second day of the Reeperbahn Festival is on, and we would like to ask you about what bands in its line-up we should bring to the Trenčín airport. → read more
The ticket in The Most Beautiful Experience of Pohoda contest goes to Stromček Vianočný. Her compilation of strong moments during the ten editions that she had attended appealed to the greatest number of fans on our Facebook fanpage. → read more
The competition forces in table football have increased in our office, as Martin Matwe Kaščák and Mária Rusinová (previously Koprnová), the longtime seasonal collaborators of the festival, joined our agency as full-time employees. Matwe will manage the web, assist in production, and support Veronika Gulášová, the partnership director. Majka managed temporary workers for many years; her new main task will be taking care of our office and shop. → read more
20 years on stage and over 1000 concerts. Chiki Liki Tu-a have reached unprecedented milestones in the Slovak scene and other interesting projects are ahead of them. → read more
On Saturday at noon, the Bažant Stage was openend with the performance of Sendreiovci, the 35-member State Chamber Orchestra in Žilina, and a children's vocal ensemble Čercheňora. → read more
A famous presenter and editor of the German Radio Eins, Holger Luck, spared praise on our festival, too. According to him, the queues when ordering food and drink are the shortest at our festival and we have the cleanest festival lawn and the best kept toilets. Among the reasons in favour of visiting Pohoda, there were the words of praise for this year's line-up. He also highlighted the prices of 3-day tickets and the extremely friendly atmosphere at the Trenčín airport. → read more
From July 7th – 9th 2016, we’re going to celebrate Pohoda’s 20th anniversary. We’ll provide good music, beverages, food, as well as theater performances, literature, movies, dance, debates and many attractions for the birthday party. → read more