
Tent camps
Tent camps are included in the festival area. They will be open from Thursday 10 July 2025 from 12:00 noon until Sunday 13 July 2025, 4:00 PM.

Camping at the festival is free; it is included in the price of the festival ticket.

  • One tent camp is located in the direction as if coming from Trenčín (for pedestrians)
  • The other tent camp is at the festival car park

Camping in the tent camps is reserved for festival visitors only. Camps are divided into sectors that are separated by footpaths that also serve as corridors. We kindly ask that you keep safety gaps when raising your tent, please do not block naturally occurring footpaths between tents.
Camping in camp corridors, car park, and outside the designated areas is prohibited—any tents set up outside designated areas will be taken down and folded including their equipment and stored in the camp managerʼs office in the nearest tent camp. The owners can pick them up there: identification will be requested.

In the tent camps, as well as in the entire festival area, the following is prohibited:

  • Putting on fire
  • Using cookers with open flames
  • Explosives of any kind, including fireworks
  • Entry by car

If you smoke, do so with caution.

The camps are equipped with water barrels and buckets for emergency in case of fire. In case of fire, immediately contact the security service, organisational service, or firemen—several fire trucks are docked in the festival area.

If you have rubbish to discard, try to use the nearest container or leave your waste wrapped in plastic bags. Each tent will receive 2 plastic bags for waste disposal. Yellow bags are intended for separate waste collection (plastic, paper, and metal), black bags are for other waste. On departure, please tie the bags and take them to the nearest container or large waste container. You can also just leave them behind you (see the Waste section). If you did not receive waste bags or you have already filled them up, please contact a camp manager or volunteers in the camping areas. For all additional restrictions that apply also on the entry to the camps, please see the RESTRICTIONS section.

The organisers are not responsible for the safety of items in the tent camps, and, therefore, we recommend that you do not leave valuables, money, etc. in your tent. If you do have valuables with you, use lockers (you can purchase a Lock Inn safe, which includes two electrical outlets, here).

The camp sites are equipped with sanitary facilities and potable water tanks. Please follow the instructions of the organisers.

Caravan parking sector
The caravan parking sector is located in the camp adjacent to the festival car park, just behind the festival gates (see the Maps section). Caravan Parking has now been divided into sectors 1 – 3 based on distance from the festival site. We continue to offer festival extras in the price of Caravan Parking in the form of a caravan connection to electricity, access to drinking water, or its own reception. Entry by caravan will be possible from Thursday 12:00 noon.


  • The price of Caravan parking is from €149, you can purchase it in advance here
  • When you arrive at the car park, you need to show your purchased ticket and you will receive a special parking sticker (place it on the windshield of the caravan)
  • The camping service will guide you to the reserved sector
  • You can enter and leave the Caravan parking sector at any time thanks to the sticker—for this reason, camping is strictly prohibited (any set up tents will be taken down, folded and stored at the nearest Camp manager’s office)
  • The caravan parking sector has its own reception
  • An electricity outlet is available

RV owners have two options:

  • Caravan parking—if you want to owners connect to electricity, you need to purchase caravan parking and arrive directly at the caravan sector. Your car will be able to come and go anytime (provided your parking sticker is placed on the car’s windscreen)
  • A tent camp—if you opt for this option, you will have to push the trailer from the general parking lot to the tent camp; no payment for the trailer is required. The car that brings the trailer must be parked in the car park; parking fees apply according to the selected sector

If electricity connection in the caravan sector is requested, parking for caravans (remodelled vans) must be purchased. If parking in the general car park is sufficient, only a standard parking sticker according to the selected sector is required, please see section Parking.

One of the most popular accommodation options at the Pohoda festival are wooden huts. Their size is 2.5x2m; they have a large closable window (no glass filling) with curtains and two places to sleep.


  • A Dormeo mattress, dimensions 140x200cm (comfortable for a couple or parents with a small child)
  • Electrical network, light, and electrical outlet
  • 2 pillows and 2 Dormeo blankets, sheets

The huts are located in two reserved zones: 15 huts in the Kids park, for parents with children, and 25 huts near one of the tent camps. There is also a 24-hour reception service. The price includes accommodation during the entire festival (3 nights for 2 people + possibly a child),
delivery + assembly + disassembly + removal of the hut, depreciation, assembly of custom-made beds with storage space inside the bed and equipment of the hut. You can buy huts and other types of accommodation here.

5-person tents
A special tent camp offers spacious, fully equipped tents with waterproof floor for five people. The tents are equipped with mattresses, blankets, pillows, a table, solar LED lighting, a rug for shoes, and a hanger. During hot days, the side walls of the tent can be rolled to aerate and cool the interior.

You can rent the same type of tent also in the Family Park, which is a tent camp for families with children. Both options are available in our Pohoda Shop.

Tent Inn
Tent Inn provides rental of tents for two or three people in a dedicated tent camp. The service is intended for all those who either do not have a tent or do not want to bring a tent to the festival. Tent Inn is well located; this tent camp includes a reception desk with helpful staff who can wake you up so that you catch a concert that you would not want to miss.

Each tent is equipped with sleeping mats and thin blankets, two or three, depending on the capacity of the tent. Blankets are provided for a small deposit, which is returned when blankets are handed over.

This year you can rent:

  • 2-person Tent Inn Classic
  • 3-person Tent Inn Classic PLUS
  • 2-person Black & Fresh
  • 3-person Black & Fresh PLUS
  • 3-person Black & Fresh in the Family Park
  • Lock Inn—a safety box with 2 electrical outlets
Barrier-free access at Pohoda

For people with disabilities, there are dedicated lockable and strategically placed separate toilets, showers, paved surfaces, and ramps at the festival—if raised platforms are located on the main open scenes.

There is a special team for barrier-free access at Pohoda that will help you during the festival. You can find the dedicated members of the crew at the tent, right next to the paramedic station (opposite the main stage). The tent is equipped with technology and certified LetMo technician for minor repairs, charging of electric wheelchairs of standard brands, and additional drives. You can find a relaxation zone (and something extra) and a privacy zone. The trained security staff and crowd assistants under the stages will help you to reach the reserved seats under the stages or platforms for wheelchair users and their assistants.

Parking in any sector must be purchased through Pohoda Shop. When parking, please show your parking card to the car park staff. They will guide you to the nearest parking lot close to the entrance.

Ticket prices are available at and there are two categories: for disabled visitors and disabled visitors & their assistants. It is not possible to buy a ticket for only one day. Tickets are non-transferable.

For more comprehensive info, follow us also at and at the tent at the festival.


The security of festival visitors is a priority for us. The security is being taken care of by a security service. It is established to protect visitors and keep guard of the festival area. Security is recognisable by their uniforms (with the word SECURITY). The security service is complemented by the Stewards and volunteers. It is forbidden to bring any objects that represent a danger to security or health - see the Restrictions section. For a pleasant festival, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the security and organisational service within its remit - in order to be at the festival it is necessary to wear visitor identification - festival bracelet. Off-site security is ensured by the City police of Trenčín, and members of the civil, military, and railway police.

The responsibilities and duties of the security services:

  • checking tickets and festival wristbands (including the tent city)
  • personal search (to prevent bringing dangerous and unauthorised items)
  • escorting out of the area (persons without wristbands, aggressive people, people endangering the safety, unauthorised retailers and retailers infringing on the contract of sale, dealers of any drugs or psychotropic substances ...)
  • guidance of the movement or evacuation
  • prevention of the entry of visitors into restricted areas
  • assistance to the disabled at the entrance into barrier areas and backstage
  • information on medical services
  • protection of performers, visitors, and festival facilities

We kindly ask you to report any problems with the members of the security services, or any security risk or threat to the organisers at the emergency hotline +421 800 500 090

Crowd assistants

During concerts, crowd assistants wearing yellow vests operate on grandstands and in the area between the stage and audience. Crowd assistants follow the course of events during concerts, helping visitors in case of nausea, dehydration, or excessive pressure in the front rows. Do not hesitate to contact them and ask for help: they are able to move anyone requiring help to the backstage area where first aid can be provided. In case of major problems, crowd assistants are also supported by festival security service.

Emergency infoline

An emergency infoline +421 800 500 090 is available for festival visitors and their loved ones who are not at the festival. Please use the line only in case of an extraordinary or emergency situation (accident, fire, theft, etc.). The line will only be available during the festival.

Emergency exits - EXIT

There are four main emergency exits at the festival: both the festival gates (GATE B and GATE O), one exit is located in the Family Park, and one is opposite the main stage. They are marked EXIT.

Emergency exits – EXITS are marked on the evacuation map in the festival magazine. The evacuation map will also be located on our site in the Maps section.

In case an urgent emptying of the area or gathering in a selected area became necessary, we kindly ask visitors to keep calm and follow the instructions of the security service.

What to bring

Bring your health insurance card, ID card, toiletries, money or a payment card, equipment for spending the night outside according to your demands, your medication. WARNING: You may need a raincoat (umbrellas are forbidden) and rubber boots. We strongly recommend bringing headgear of your choice - baseball caps, hats, scarves, etc. Keep in mind your health and also protection from the sun (sunscreen, headgear, drink plenty of water, etc.). What not to bring—see the Restrictions section.

Wooden huts

One of the most favourite option at the festival are the wooden huts. The hut dimensions are 2.5x2m - it has a large closeable window (without glassfilling) with curtains and a sleeping place that accommodates two. A mattress with the dimensions 140x200cm offers comfortable sleep for a couple or parents with small children.

Each hut is connected to the mains: it has a light bulb and a power plug. Each hut will be equipped with 2 bed linen, 2 pillows, and 2 blankets. In addition to the protection from possible bad weather, the tiny wooden houses also have a safety advantage - the key. The huts will be situated in two special zones, one in the children's park for families with children and the other in the tent camp.

Price for the whole festival (3 nights for 2 persons and a child) accounts for load-in, load-out, construction, amortization, bed construction along with storage inside, Dormeo matress, 2 pillows, 2 blankets, electricity and non-stop reception service.

Crowd assistants

During concerts, crowd assistants wearing yellow vests operate on grandstands and in the area between the stage and audience. Crowd assistants follow the course of events during concerts, helping visitors in case of nausea, dehydration, or excessive pressure in the front rows. Do not hesitate to contact them and ask for help: they are able to move anyone requiring help to the backstage area where first aid can be provided. In case of major problems, crowd assistants are also supported by festival security service.


In 2024, Kids and Junior ticket conditions will be like this:

  • Baby tickets are available for children aged 3 to 5 (inclusive of the age of 6)
  • Kids tickets are available for children aged 6 to 14 (inclusive of the age of 14)
  • Junior tickets are available for minors aged 15 to 17 (inclusive of the age of 17).

Tickets are available at our Pohoda Shop.

At the entrance to the festival grounds, each parent and their child will receive a special wristband that will contain information about their parentʼs telephone number to be used by the Family park staff in case of necessity. In case your child is lost, please contact organisers at the emergency infoline +421 800 500 090. In the long history of Pohoda, every lost child has been found within 20 minutes, so there is no reason to worry.

Family Park is available at the festival where a professional service can babysit your child. Babysitting time must be agreed with the service; maximum time is 3 hours. The Park is open on Friday and Saturday from 09:00 AM to 9:00 PM. There are several attractions in the park, a fun programme, a workshop tent, inflatables, and other attractions. As part of the service for smaller children, you will find changing tables, diapers, and baby cosmetics. The Family Park can be used by families with children right from the opening of the festival grounds; however, it is necessary to purchase a special voucher for camping in the Family Park from our shop. Available are separate toilets and hot and cold water. Only parents and children with special wristbands are allowed to enter the tent camp for families with children. Information can be obtained at the temporary reception desk at the entrance to the park, or from the park staff. Smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages are forbidden in the premises of the Family Park. Protect your children from excessive noise. If you are interested in comfortable accommodation at the festival, staying on wooden huts or Chill Village tents is available. Both are located in the Family Park. You can find more information in our Pohoda Shop.


Unfortunately, due to legislative, language and logistics reasons, we are able to employ only people with fluent Slovak or Czech language. Thank you for your understanding.


Drugs are forbidden at the festival. Their selling and use are illegal and please note that police will monitor the festival grounds. At the festival, there are drug addiction treatment organisations and organisations involved in drug prevention, counselling, and reduction of risks related to the use of drugs in terms of harm reduction. People who use any drug should think about the risks associated with it, which can endanger health and life (for example, in combination with other drugs, direct sunlight, lack of fluid intake, exhaustion, heat in tents). Last but not least, it should be remembered that drugs may contain various impurities that can cause various unpredictable mental/physical conditions. Therefore, regular rest, shade and regular fluid intake (especially water, at least 3 dcl/hr) are necessary. If you do plan to use a drug, do not take it alone, have someone with you who you can rely on.

Should any problems connected with drug use occur with you or anybody else, in order to preserve your/their health, please do not hesitate to contact our health service, doctors at ambulance stations, workers of addiction treatment organisation, workers of harm reduction organisations or organisers. Until rescuers come, place the person involved in the stabilised position so that suffocation is avoided.

Users of injection drugs should remember that festivals are not absolutely hygienic. Think of others and protect them from your used devices. Avoid throwing needles into separate waste bins (it is hand-sorted). Dispose of them by dropping them into a plastic bottle/can and closing the container, or by stepping on the container and throwing it in a trash can. 

The festival offers a very varied program and it's a place where strong emotions can arise. Enjoy it without unnecessary problems.

Ecological transportation

The Pohoda Festival promotes mass transportation to the festival site, which not only is more environment-friendly but also makes the roads more accessible. Special trains, special festival buses and suburban buses are dispatched towards the festival site. Festival shuttle service is available within the city of Trenčín.

The festival also supports sharing of passenger transport. Carpooling is facilitated on our webparty under hashtag #spolunapohodu.

The festival promotes also arriving by bicycles; bicycle locks are available at the gates. Festival visitors cannot use bicycles on the premises; however, they are the main means of transport for the festival team and are also recommended to artists and suppliers.

A regular part of the festival fleet is electric cars or electric bicycles.


The festival utilises the energy from the electric grid, generators, and solar power. The goal is to reduce the use of generators as much as possible; so far, temporary transformer stations manage to cover about 50% of the festival’s energy consumption from the fixed power grid. The main areas of the festival are illuminated by solar lamps.

Since 2016, the festival has been using a mobile solar power plant.


Smoking is permitted in all uncovered areas except for the Family Park. Smoking is prohibited in all tents, especially for safety reasons, but it is also nice to be thoughtful and show respect for non-smokers. We kindly ask smokers to avoid smoking in the crowd during concerts at open stages. Also, please do not throw cigarette ends on the ground, use the designated ashtrays. Consider people around you and your environment. Thank you :)

Festival site

The festival grounds cover a total area of 72 hectares. It is divided into three basic zones: car park, tent camps, and the festival itself. The whole area is open non-stop during the festival. Each time you enter any of the zones, festival visitor identification will be checked. Random identification checks will be carried out in the whole festival area.

We open the festival site on Thursday 10 July 2025 at 12:00 noon. At this time, caravans will also be allowed to enter. If you have purchased regular parking, you can park at 09.00 AM. 

The Trenčín airport is the perfect combination of grass and concrete flatwork. All the areas with the expected higher concentration of visitors are located on concrete grounds or in the tents with a solid floor in order to prevent mud or dust from being formed. The main pedestrian pathways are on the concrete ground as well, so even if it rains, chances that your feet stay dry are quite high. There is also a plenty of grass for active or passive recreation. For a better understanding of the festival grounds, see the Maps section.

Photos / Videos

Photographing is only allowed for accredited photographers. Non-accredited photography is banned throughout the festival grounds. You can use automated non-professional cameras. It is forbidden to use cameras with flashes close to the stages. Each visitor to the festival agrees that photographs or other recordings with their person made during the festival may be used by any current or future technical method to promote the festival in future. Filming in a video or other formats (film, DV, DV Cam, Beta...) is forbidden throughout the festival grounds, except for accredited film crews.


The festival offers more than 150 flush toilets, more than 500 chemical toilets and several “pee zones” marked with pictograms. Toilets for disabled visitors are also available at the festival.

Showers and washrooms are located in the hygiene centres opposite the Urpiner stage, next to the Orange stage, and in the Family Camp. Please note that the water in the showers and washrooms at the Orange stage is not potable. Please water tanks and food stands.

Festival wristband identification

Upon producing a valid ticket, every visitor will receive a waistband, which serves as visitor identification. Wristbands will be placed on wrists. Please note that a wristband itself does not entitle you to enter the festival, it is possible only with QR code on wristband. 

Wristbands entitle visitors to move around the festival grounds and each visitor is obliged to show it to the security service or organising service when invited to do so. Identification wristbands are valuables; in case of loss, you will not be allowed to re-enter the festival, and a new identification wristband will not be issued. Visitors without a wristband will be escorted from the festival grounds; it is in your interest not to provide your wristband to other people. Visitors bear the consequences arising from the loss, damage, or theft of their identification wristband. Identification wristbands will be placed on the wrist; in special cases, they can be placed elsewhere (in case of allergy, skin disease, etc.).

Caravans and trailers

Entry by caravan will be possible from Thursday 12:00 noon.

The caravan park is located in the camp adjacent to the festival car park, just behind the festival gates (see the Maps section). Caravan Parking has now been divided into sectors 1 – 3 based on distance from the festival site. We continue to offer festival extras in the price of Caravan Parking in the form of a caravan connection to electricity, access to drinking water, or its own reception. 

Caravan Parking 1 = Parking in the sector closest to the festival, 70 – 260 m from the festival entrance

Caravan Parking 2 = Parking in the middle sector, 260 – 410 m from the festival entrance

Caravan Parking 3 = Parking in the further sector, 410 – 470 m from the festival entrance 

It has an own reception and electricity connection for caravan owners. Caravans must purchase a special parking sticker that must be produced in order for the camp service to allow them in the reserved sector. Visitors can enter and leave the sector with their car anytime, therefore, camping here is strictly forbidden; any set up tents will be folded and stored in the closest camp managerʼs office.

Caravan owners can choose from two options: if they want to connect to electricity, they must purchase parking for caravans and arrive directly at the caravan sector. Their car will be able to come and go anytime, which is why their parking sticker must be placed on the carʼs windscreen. The other option is to use a tent camp, in which case the trailer must be pushed from the public car park to the tent camp; no payment for the trailer is required. The car that brings the trailer must be parked in the car park; parking fees apply according to the selected sector.

If electricity connection in the caravan sector is requested, parking for caravans (remodelled vans) must be purchased. If parking in the general car parks is sufficient, only a standard parking sticker according to the selected sector is required.

CARAVAN PARKING -> Pohoda 2025


The tent camps are included in the festival grounds and are open from Thursday, 11 July from 12:00 noon until Sunday, 14 July until 4:00 PM.

Camping at the festival is free of charge. One tent camp (for pedestrian visitors) is located in the direction of Trenčín, and the second tent camp is headed towards Opatovce.

Camping in the tent camps is reserved for festival visitors only.

Camps are divided into sectors that are separated by footpaths—emergency corridors. We kindly ask that you keep a safe distance when setting up your tent and keep the footpaths clear. Camping on camp corridors, in the parking lot and outside the designated areas is prohibited; tents set up here will be folded including their equipment and stored in the camp managerʼs office in the nearest tent camp. The owners can pick them up there: identification will be requested.

It is forbidden to start fire in the tent camps throughout the festival grounds, as well as to use fire cookers with open flames; explosives of any kind, including fun pyrotechnics, are forbidden. If you smoke, do so with caution. The camps are equipped with water barrels and buckets for emergency in case of fire. If you spot a fire, please contact the security service, organising service or firemen immediately. There are several fire trucks docked in the festival area.

If you have rubbish to discard, try to use the nearest bin or leave your waste wrapped in plastic bags. Each tent will receive 2 plastic bags for waste disposal. Yellow bags are intended for separate collection (plastics, paper, metal), black bags are for other waste. On departure, please tie the bags and take them to the nearest container or large container. You can also leave them in place (see the Waste section). If you did not receive waste bags or you have already filled them up, please contact a camp manager or volunteers in the camp areas. For all additional restrictions that apply also on the entry to the camps, see the Restrictions section. 

The organisers are not responsible for the safety of items in the tent camps, and, therefore, we recommend not leaving valuables, money, etc. in your tent. If you carry valuables, use the cloakrooms. It is forbidden to enter the tent camps by car. Please follow the instructions of the organisers. The camps are equipped with sanitary facilities and potable water tanks.

Shuttle service

Pohoda has once again arranged shuttle services from Trenčín to the airport and back this year. Buses will run from the bus/train station to the festival's Gate B (from the Nozdrkovce side). The shuttle will operate from Thursday to Sunday.

From Thursday to Sunday, the shuttle service will run on the route Bus/Train Station <-> Pohoda with intermediate stops:

  • Route from Bus/Train Station to Pohoda: Hasičská, Električná, Električná-nemocnica, Biskupice-námestie
  • Route from Pohoda to Bus/Train Station: Biskupice-nám., Gen. Svobodu, Dolný Šianec, Električná, Električná-nemocnica, Hasičská, Bus Station


Ticket Price: 2 €

Transportation is provided by SAD Trenčín, a. s.


See the Maps section. Printed map + line up can be found also at the Pohoda Shop. For better orientation, important areas and access to them are marked.

The evacuation map with emergency exits is also located on our site.


There will be a Pohoda Shop at the airport, where you can buy festival merchandise (clothing for children and adults, badges, magnets, jewellery, and other souvenirs), as well as the merchandise of the performing artists (CDs, vinyls, clothing, badges, etc.).

For comparison: the production of classic men T-shirt gives 5-12 kilograms of CO2, and in case of a men's sweatshirt, it is up to 27 kg. Thanks to a greener process, greenhouse gas emissions were reduced in average from 6 kg to 0.7 kg of CO2 in the production of one T-shirt.

The reduction of emissions by 89 % is mainly due to:

  • the use of renewable energy sources,
  • growing of cotton in areas where 95 % of the water is obtained from the monsoon rains, fighting pests with natural means,
  • application of exclusively natural fertilizers (clothes can be branded as organic only when the land on which cotton is grown has been free of synthetic pesticides for at least three years),
  • cotton is processed locally and is not transported for unnecessarily long distances,
  • factories principally use energy from wind mills,
  • dyeing process is powered by solar energy,
  • finished textiles are imported in Europe always by ship transport, never by air.

In addition to ecology, an important part of the production process is respect for suitable conditions in production, i.e. FAIR WEAR (an equivalent of Fair Trade clothing industry). 


Motorcycle owners must purchase parking cards "Parking MOTO". Motorcycles can be parked in a special sector at the festival gate (in front of the P0 parking zone). Parking next to friends who arrived by car is also possible and motorcycles can be stationed in any of the three sectors of the car park.

The car park is open non-stop from Thursday 9.00 AM until Sunday 8:00 PM (last entry is possible on Sunday 8:00 AM).


The festival provides space for various non-profit organisations. They are located in the NGO passage at the centre of the festival. Your NGO can apply here:

Emergency infoline

An emergency infoline +421 800 500 090 is available for festival visitors and their loved ones who are not at the festival. Please use the line only in case of an extraordinary or emergency situation (accident, fire, theft, etc.). The line will only be available during the festival.


The festival offers enough food stalls with a complete range of dishes (including vegetarian dishes) and drinks. They will be located in several centres (see the map). Therefore, it is not necessary for visitors to bring their own food. Bringing glass bottles, glass jars, and blades to the festival is prohibited (for security reasons). There will be a sufficient number of covered refreshment tents to protect visitors from the rain and sun. 

We are working mainly with local suppliers. Refreshments for artists and a majority of food stands is supplied from the town of Trenčín. Gastro partners are mainly local, slovak subjects. Since 2017, our festival has a rule of serving food only in compostable dishes.

Types of food at the festival: 

- classic dishes such as grilled sausages, classic and stuffed langoš (fried sponge dough), hotdogs, potato pancakes, grilled oštiepok (special round-shaped cheese), 

- Slovak classic: halušky (dumplings made of potato dough), strapačky (smaller halušky), harula (small potato pancakes), pirohy (boiled stuffed pasta), šúľance (boiled soft rolled potato dough), podpecník (rising dough cakes baked in a clay oven)

- various kinds of burgers, French fries with different kinds of sauces, oven baked small meals, wraps, pastrami

- international cuisine: Italian pizza, Mexican burritos, quesadilla, Thai cuisine, Breton pancakes, Turkish kebab, Indian cuisine, gyoza

- favourite sweet snacks such perky (sweet filled pasta), doughnuts, crumpets, podpecník (rising dough cakes baked in a clay oven; also available with salty ingredients), buns, steamed buns, traditional baked buns from Zbojská, pancakes, strudel

- a large selection of vegetarian and vegan cuisine ranging from veg burgers to noodle and rice vegetarian and vegan dishes. 

- Fruits, vegetables, smoothies, fruit salads, scones...


The Pohoda Festival aims to produce the smallest possible amount of waste. Thanks to active visitors and volunteers, the produced waste is turned into secondary raw materials or it is thoroughly separated and we strive for its ecological processing.

A unique solution is the establishment of collection points, where trained volunteers use the help of visitors to thoroughly separate plastics, paper, metal, and biological waste. The collection points operate non-stop, they also function as educational centres, and you can learn here how to separate correctly and what is the life cycle of various materials.

In addition to the collection points, more than 500 waste containers are located in the festival area; their location always allows at least basic separation. All waste containers carry descriptions that help distinguish them.

Another novelty is that all plastic bottles are required by law to have a deposit of €0.15, which is already included in the price of the beverage. You can take such plastic bottles home and then exchange them for cash/coupon in a grocery, or you can hand them in at the waste collection stations and at the Music Saves Ukraine tent. The entire proceeds from the returned bottles will go to this initiative. By donating a for-deposit bottle or can, you contribute to humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Except for PET bottles, the Festival uses no single-use plastics. All dishes, cutlery, and straws are compostable. Biological waste from food stalls, along with dishes, cutlery, and straws, can be thrown after use into containers labelled BIO. Festival also separates oil and glass waste from our gastro sectors.

In the tent camp, each tent will receive two bags: one for separate collection, and the other for other waste. Separation bags are intended for empty plastic cups and bottles (with no drink leftovers, ideally also compressed), clean sacks, bags, foils, all kinds of paper, and cans. Everything else goes into the bag for municipal waste. The camps feature collection points for full bags; alternatively, you can tie waste bags and leave them on spot when you leave the festival. Waste collected in bags will be further sorted and then recycled.

The Festival uses reusable cups for all draft beverages and beverages served per cup. The deposit for each cup is €2. Used cups can be exchanged for fresh ones when buying another beverage; alternatively, you can leave cups at the special collection points (find letter "V" in festival map), and the deposit of €2 will be paid back to you. Cups are cleaned outside the festival grounds in a special washing line. Using a reusable cup just two times makes the cup more ecological than a single-use plastic cup.


The car park is open non-stop from Thursday 9.00 until Sunday 8:00 PM (last entry is possible on Sunday 8:00 AM). 

Entry by caravan will be possible from Thursday 12:00 noon.

Parking is located on the concrete runway and surrounding grassy areas covering 700 x 170 m, i.e. 119,000 m2, and can contain up to 5,000 cars. The car park is handled by the organising service. We kindly ask you to follow their instructions to ensure your smooth parking.

Distance of parking sectors from the festival entrance:

Parking P1 = the sector closest to the festival (100-250m from the gate)

Parking P2 = the second closest sector to the festival (250-400m from the gate)

Parking P3 = the middle sector (400-550m from the gate)

Parking P4 = the further sector (550-600m from the gate)

Parking P5 = the further sector (600-700m from the gate)

Parking MOTO = Parking for motorcycles (in front of the festival entrance)

Access to the car park is via GATE P ("parking"), which is located at the side of the airport neighbouring with the municipality of Opatovce.

Only cars, motorbikes, and caravans with a valid parking card are allowed to access the car park. The parking card is exchanged for a sticker onto which the vehicle registration number and driver telephone number should be written (to be contacted if necessary). A car with the sticker may leave and re-enter the car park at any time within the time frames indicated above.

Please be considerate and park your car the way that as many cars as possible can fit in the car park. The entrance to the car park is from the municipality of Opatovce. For a smooth arrival to the parking area – see the Maps section. The parking fee varies according to how close the parking sector is to the festival gate. 

Camping on the car park is prohibited. Any tents raised on the car park will be transferred with their equipment to the Camp Manager office located in the tent camp behind GATE O.

Parents with children under 6 years of age (inclusive), pregnant women, and visitors with limited mobility who purchased a parking card for any of the sectors and are able to produce a document confirming their condition/age (a pregnancy book, children’s health insurance card) will be admitted to Sector P0, which is located right at the festival gate.

Parking sector for motorcycles is located right behind Sector P0. For more information, please see Motorcycles.

Caravans and trailers must purchase parking cards for Caravan Parking. For more information, please see Caravans and trailersCaravan Parking has now been divided into sectors 1 – 3 based on distance from the festival site.


The weather is monitored directly at the festival by professionals from the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute. Weather conditions are updated 3 times a day on the festival site as well as in the festival app.

The time of the year when the festival takes place is typically warm and sunny, but we always recommend getting ready for both wet and dry weather conditions, as well as for cold nights and mornings. As entry to the festival area with umbrellas is prohibited (for security reasons), we suggest bringing a raincoat and waterproof clothing and footwear. As long exposure to the sun is expected, please protect yourself sufficiently from possible sunstroke (use baseball caps, hats, sunscreens and protective creams, drink plenty of water, etc.). Providing enough drinking water at the festival is a matter of course; water is available free of charge with no limitations.

The Trenčín airport is the perfect combination of grass and concrete flatwork. All the areas where a high concentration of visitors is expected are located on the concrete surface. Floors are laid on grass in front of big stages as well as in tents, so that any mud or dust formation is limited. Main pedestrian corridors are, too, located on concrete grounds.

The festival takes place in all weather conditions with the exception of natural disasters.

Seasonal Work

Unfortunately, due to legislative, language and logistics reasons, we are able to employ only people with fluent Slovak or Czech language. Thank you for your understanding.

Terms and Conditions

1.    The dates and line-up are subject to change. The paid admission charges are non-refundable; tickets are non-refundable and are not subject to replacement.

2.    The organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to any person, and in such case to reimburse the price of the ticket.

3.    At the entry to the festival, the organiser will replace the ticket with a festival visitor identification. The organiser is not responsible for the loss, theft or damage of the identification wristband. The organising service is entitled to conduct a personal search. If a visitor does not have their wristband or it is damaged, the organising service will escort them from the festival site, and they will be asked to compensate for such damage amounting to at least €129.

4.    All visitor identification wristbands remain the property of the organiser until Sunday, 14 July 2024. 

5.    The wristband itself does not entitle visitors to enter the festival site. Visitors are entitled to re-enter upon positive check of QR code on wristband.

6.    The organiser is not liable for any personal damage, loss, or injury incurred at the event if these were caused by the negligence of the ticket holder or the unforeseeable actions of other visitors and third parties.

7.    Crowd surfing and stage diving are prohibited at the festival. The violation of this prohibition will result in the visitor being escorted from the site and the removal of the visitor identification wristband with no eligibility for a refund.

8.    Visitors are not allowed to enter the festival stages or backstage areas. The violation of this prohibition will result in the visitor being escorted from the site and the removal of the visitor identification wristband with no eligibility for a refund.

9.    Camping outside the designated tent camps is strictly prohibited. Tents violating this provision will be brought to the camp manager’s office.

10.    Each festival visitor acknowledges and expressly agrees that photographs, films or video recordings with their person made during or in connection with the festival may be used by any current or future technical method, without monetary compensation and time limitation. Documentation of the festival and subsequent processing of materials for promotional and marketing purposes is a legitimate interest of the festival organiser as well as of its partners. For more information about privacy please visit our web page.

11.    It is strictly forbidden to bring glass containers and bottles, pyrotechnic articles including petards and signal flares, open fire and any kind of cookers, umbrellas, selfie sticks, objects dangerous to safety, drugs, psychotropic substances, combustibles or weapons of any kind (including kitchen knives).

12.    It is strictly forbidden to ride motorcycles, bicycles, skateboards, longboards, roller skates, scooters and similar objects. The use of drones is also prohibited. In case of violation of this prohibition, the items will be confiscated and safely stored until the end of the festival.

13.    It is not allowed to bring tape recorders, portable speakers, megaphones, film and video cameras, or professional cameras to the festival premises. Making audio, film, photographic or video records of the performances of artists and other parts of the programme is strictly forbidden, including for personal use.

14.    Persons entering the festival grounds may be subject to personal search.

15.    Smoking is strictly forbidden in all the covered tents and throughout the Family Park.

16.    The organiser defines the right to decide on admission or not allowing animals to enter the festival grounds, with the exception of guide dogs.

17.    Sales of any kind and other commercial activities without the knowledge and prior consent of the organiser of the festival site are strictly forbidden.

18.    If a visitor refuses to hand over a dangerous or prohibited item or violates these conditions, they may be escorted from the site.

19.    Please use the marked trash bins.

20.    To protect your own safety and the safety of other visitors, please behave responsibly. The violation of any prohibition may result in your being escorted from the site and the removal of your identification wristband with no eligibility for a refund.

21.    We inform visitors that the festival area is monitored by CCTV.

22.    The festival is not intended for persons under 18 years of age. 

23.    KIDS passes are intended for visitors to the Pohoda Festival of 7 - 14 years of age (inclusive the age of 14). The condition for a 0 - 14 year old child to enter the festival is being accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The child’s parent or legal guardian must have their own adult ticket and must ensure that the child is always supervised by their parent or legal guardian throughout the festival and that the child does not enter the areas where the sales of beer and wine occur at the festival. 

24.    JUNIOR passes apply to persons aged 15 to 17 (inclusive the age of 17).
Persons 15 - 17 years old must have a valid ID card with them. Presence of a parent or legal guardian in this case is not necessary.
All persons under the age of 18 are obliged to adhere to the ban on entry to the areas where the sales of beer and wine occur at the festival.

25.    Counterfeiting of tickets is an offence punishable by law.

26.    In no case do we recommend buying tickets outside of our points of sale. If you want to do so, we recommend using the services of our official partner TicketSwap.

27.    The festival will take place in all weather conditions but not if natural disasters occur.

28.    Warning: Excessive exposure to loud music may cause hearing damage.
29.    Enjoy Pohoda...

Privacy Policy

According to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), we have updated our Privacy Policy.

Points of sale

Bratislava, Kozia 20
Pezinok, Kollárová 12

Dr. Horák
Bratislava, Medená 19

Kultúrno-informačné centrum Trenčín
Trenčín, Mierové námestie 9

Bratislava, Obchodná 26
Bratislava, Staré Grunty 24
Trnava, Dolné Bašty 8833/14 (City Arena)
Martin, M. R. Štefánika 58
Žilina, Námestie S. Hlinku 7/B
Nitra, Akademická 1
Košice, Toryská 5
Poprad, Námestie svätého Egídia 3290/124
Považská Bystrica, Centrum 8/12
Lučenec, Námestie republiky 5994/32
Banská Bystrica, Ulica 29. augusta 38



Prreviously, duly accredited journalists have free access to the festival. Accreditation requests are accepted until 31st of May and only via the online accreditation form. The organisers reserve the right to refuse or to grant accreditation. Accredited journalists must be properly identified. Accredited photographers and cameramen will receive a special photo-pass that will allow them to move under the stages in terms of the instructions provided at the Press Centre. Any limitations of photography, terms of press conferences and interviews with various performers will be notified at the Press Centre. The Press centre location is shown on the festival area map (see the Maps section).

More information can be found in the Press section.

First aid

There are 4 fixed paramedic facilities available on the site: they are marked with a red cross on a yellow background. More paramedics walk around the festival site. Refrigerators in the paramedic tents are ready to store insulin or other medicines. The festival venue map shows the exact position of the paramedic facilities, please see Maps.

In case you run into an emergency at the festival and are unable to reach the closest paramedic facility, please call the emergency line: +421 800 500 090

In the event of an accident away from the festival medical service (e.g. in the city, at the station, etc.) call 112 or search for a hospital. We wish you a happy stay and a sound return.


Dogs are allowed to enter the festival grounds, with the exception of the so-called combat breeds (Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, Dobermann, etc.). Dogs must be on a leash. Free movement of dogs is forbidden and will be addressed by the organising service. Apparently aggressive dogs of any breed will not be allowed to enter. Protect your dogs from excessive noise.

First Aid for Your Dogs at Pohoda 2024
This year, veterinary services will be available for urgent cases. Should the need arise, Veterinary Clinic MVDr. Frey will attend to your dogs.

Veterinary Clinic MVDr. Frey will be available non-stop from Friday at 12:00 PM to Sunday at 8:00 AM for urgent cases. In the event of an emergency, contact them at +421918049785 to arrange a treatment location during the festival.

Veterinary services offered:
- First aid for injuries
- First aid for acute digestive issues (diarrhoea, vomiting)
- First aid for overheating, dehydration, and acute ear or eye problems
- Referral to a nearby 24-hour veterinary clinic for more serious conditions

At Veterinary Clinic MVDr. Frey in Pezinok, animals receive care free from stress and pressure. They will apply the same sensitive and caring approach to look after your four-legged friends at Pohoda, if needed.

Special coaches - suburban transportation

We’re preparing Pohoda commuter service that will connect Trenčín airport and Trenčianske Teplice again this year.

Commuter bus service passes for all three days (6 rides) are priced at 30€. Pohoda commuter pass is valid for all festival days and guarantees that its holder will have a seat allocated in the bus. One-way tickets for commuter bus transport will be available as well. One ride will be priced at 10€. You can pay for one-way tickets only in cash either when getting off the bus at the airport or getting on the bus during the departure from the airport.


Special trains

Special festival fast trains will be dispatched on Thursday from Bratislava and Košice to Trenčín, and on Sunday from Trenčín back to Košice and Bratislava. We will publish the exact departure times shortly before the festival.

The ticket will contain information with the designation of the wagon in which the seating is free. A seat for each passenger is guaranteed. The boarding of the trains will be coordinated by the staff that will also accompany the special trains, please contact them directly in case of doubt.

Train schedule - departures/ariivals.


The festival cooperates with selected taxi drivers; their cars carry an identifying sticker. Festival taxi stands are only available at GATE B (entrance for pedestrians). Taxis apply fixed contractual rates; price is per ride, not per person. Please note that other taxis, including BOLT, cannot enter the area, the nearest pick-up point is 1.1 km away (15 minutes on foot) at the Coffee Sheep roastery on Biskupicka ul.

The rates:  
Stanica / Plaváreň / Tesco / Penzión na Sihoti / Tr. Turná 14 € 
Centrum / Juh / Domov Mládeže 12 € 
Soblahov / Mníchová Lehota 18 € 
Trenčianske Stankovce 20 € 
Zelená voda / Nemšová 30 € 
Trenčianske Teplice 25-30 € (podľa vzdialenosti) 
Nová Dubnica 20-25 € (podľa vzdialenosti) 
Dubnica nad Váhom 30-35 € (podľa vzdialenosti) 
Stanica - Opatovce (vchod) 40 € 

Please note the longer waiting times for taxi after the end of the programme on the main stage. 


+421 944 401 954 TONY taxi 
+421 914 123 123 Laugo taxi 
+421 911 908 300 KAPKO Taxi 
+421 949 125 931 BENCO & DRINK CAR 
+421 940 371 031 Alfa Taxi 
+421 940 268 269 Kráľ Taxi 
+421 940 776 577 Dario Gaman 
+421 948 060 060 YOMI CAR 
+421 903 113 100 YoGi Taxi 
+421 910 573 537 Jakub Kralčík 
+421 908 621 008 Daniel Žuffa 
+421 911 525 526 Michail Richardson - Smart Way   
+421 911 868 282 NovoTaxi 
+421 911 576 651 Taxi Daro 
+421 911 606 656 Blesk Taxi 
+421 949 156 989 ROYAL TAXI TRENČÍN 


+421 911 603 515 

Tent Inn - tent hotel

Rental of tents for two or three people in a dedicated tent camp.

An excellent service for all who donʼt have sleeping bags or a tent, or for those who donʼt feel like setting their tent up. The tent hotel is well located and has a reception desk with helpful staff that will also be happy to wake you up so that you catch a concert you do not want to miss at all. Each tent is equipped with sleeping mats and thin blankets (two or three, depending on the capacity of the tent). You can rent this year:

Emergency exits - EXIT

There are four main emergency exits at the festival: both the festival gates (GATE B and GATE O), one exit is located in the Family Park, and one is opposite the main stage. They are marked EXIT.

Emergency exits – EXITS are marked on the evacuation map in the festival magazine. The evacuation map will also be located on our site in the Maps section.

In case an urgent emptying of the area or gathering in a selected area became necessary, we kindly ask visitors to keep calm and follow the instructions of the security service.


There are two cloakrooms available at the festival, one in each tent camp. They work non-stop and are free of charge.

In the central part of the festival, there is also the Lock Inn service for storing your valuables. It is open 24/7 and equipped with 2 electrics plug-ins. The service is paid and can be purchased in our Shop.

Organising service

The headquarters of the organising service is the production office (Festival Office) located in the building next to the airport tower; see the Map of the festival grounds. The representatives of the organising service are specifically identified. The organising service includes:
Production—POHODA CREW T-shirts
Stewards—reflective clothing with the inscription STEWARD
Security service—clothes with the inscription SECURITY and an identification number
Paramedics—rescue service uniforms, see section First aid
Crowd assistants—reflective identification vests
Temporary worker—yellow/green vests
Volunteers—blue vests
Separators—POHODA ECOMENIUS T-shirts
Camp service—POHODA ECOMENIUS T-shirts

The main organiser of the festival is Pohoda Festival, s.r.o., Zochova 6-8, 811 03 Bratislava, mailing address of the agency is Prostredná 46, 900 21 Svätý Jur. To contact us, see the Contacts section. To contact us directly at the festival, you can find the production crew in the buildings at the airport tower - see the Map of the area. In case of emergency, don't hesitate to contact us at our emergency infoline, which will be operating during the festival: +421 800 500 090

Reusable Cups

The Festival uses reusable cups for all draft beverages and beverages served per cup. Their volume is 0.5 and 0.25 litre. The deposit for each cup is €2. Used cups can be exchanged for fresh ones when buying another beverage; alternatively, you can leave cups at the special collection points (find the cup symbol in festival map), and the deposit of €2 will be paid back to you. Cups are cleaned outside the festival grounds in a special washing line. Using a reusable cup just two times makes the cup more ecological than a single-use plastic cup.

Another novelty is that all plastic bottles are required by law to have a deposit of €0.15, which is already included in the price of the beverage. You can take such plastic bottles home and then exchange them for cash/coupon in a grocery, or you can hand them in at the waste collection stations and at the Music Saves Ukraine tent. The entire proceeds from the returned bottles will go to this initiative. By donating a for-deposit bottle or can, you contribute to humanitarian aid to Ukraine.


We open the festival site on Thursday 11 July from 12:00 noon. At this time, caravans will also be allowed to enter. If you have purchased regular parking, you can park the car or motorcycle at 09.00 AM. 

The area is open non-stop during the festival. The last entry is possible on Sunday 14.7.2024 at 08.00 AM. After the end of the festival on Sunday, July 14, 2024, the area will be closed at 12:00 noon. Camping towns must be left by 4:00 PM. on Sunday. and the parking will be closed at 8:00 PM. 

The festival has two visitor entries designated as GATE B and GATE O, entry for parking GATE P, and production entry GATE A.

GATE B is designed for pedestrians and bicyclists and has shuttle and taxi connection. It is located on the side of the airport facing Trenčín, at the beginning of the Nozdrkovce district, about 30 minute walk from the city centre. The gate opens on Thursday at 12:00 noon, It is then open non-stop, and the last entrance to the festival area is possible on Sunday at 8:00 AM. The gate fully closes on Sunday at 4:00 AM; visitors must leave the area by then. Bicycle locks are available at the gate; this area is not guarded.

GATE O is intended for visitors arriving by cars, motorbikes, caravans, or bicycles. It is located on the side of the airport facing the municipality of Opatovce, between the festival car park and the festival grounds. The gate opens on Thursday at 12.00 noon, the first festival day. It is then open non-stop, and the last entrance to the festival area is possible on Sunday at 8:00 AM. The gate fully closes on Sunday at 4:00 AM; visitors must leave the area by then. Caravans enter the area via this entrance. Bicycle locks are available at the gate; this area is not guarded.

GATE P is intended arrivals by cars, motorcycles, caravans, and bicycles. It is located at the end of the airport facing the municipality of Opatovce. The gate opens on Thursday at 9:00 AM. It is then open non-stop, and the last entrance to the festival area is possible on Sunday at 8:00 AM. Gate P fully closes on Sunday at 8:00 PM; visitors must leave the area by then. Only cars, motorbikes, and caravans with a valid park card are allowed to the car park; GATE P is not intended to be used by taxis. For more information on parking, please see Parking

GATE A is intended for artists, production, suppliers, partners, vendors, taxis, and rescue. Pedestrians will not be allowed through this gate. Taxis may enter the gate but visitors will be brought at GATE B. This gate is for non-public use.

At the gates to the premises (GATE B / GATE O), each visitor must produce a valid ticket. Then, they receive a festival visitor identification (festival wristband). Identification wristbands must be placed on wrists by the organisers. Placing the band onto a different location is possible in case of skin diseases or allergy to the material of which the band is made.

A special registration booth and a separate entry are available at each gate for pregnant women, families with children, wheelchair users, and disabled card holders and their assistants. 

Do not bring any prohibited items (see Restrictions) to the site: you will speed up your entry and security checks.


It is strictly forbidden to bring into the area of ​​the event any glassware and bottles, pyrotechnic articles of any kind, open flames, any type of gas rings or camping stoves, umbrellas, dangerous items, drugs, psychotropic substances, flammable substances and weapons of any kind (including kitchen knives), bicycles, skateboards (and other boards), inline skates, scooters, and similar vehicles. It is not allowed to bring tape recorders, film cameras, camcorders (including DV, DV Cam, Beta Cam, Super VHS, ...), professional cameras or selfie-sticks. Making sound, film, or video recordings is strictly prohibited, even for private use. Exceptions to this requirement are fully automatic consumer cameras, which, however, shall not be used for taking pictures of performing artists. Forbidden are also flying drones and similar mechanical devices. Crowd surfing (moving on the hands of a crowd of people on your back) and stage diving (jumping off the stage) are strictly forbidden. Smoking is forbidden in the Daylong Kids Park and all tents. It is also forbidden to camp in the parking lot and outside the designated areas.

Lost and Found

There are two cloakrooms on the festival site, one in each camping site. They operate non-stop and free of charge. In the central part of the festival, there's also a Lock Inn service for valuables. In case of loss or found, please visit Lost & Found Tent, which is located between the carousel wheel and the Sunflower Bar (Bar Slnečnice) - see the map.

If you want to report a loss, it is necessary to provide an accurate description of the lost item and your contact information. Items left after the festival at our information desk or in Lost and Found, as well as things that are found while cleaning the festival area, will be published on our facebook page and on our website. Usable things that won't get picked up by their owners until the end of the year will be donated to charity.


Protect your health. Be considerate and be sure not to bring any glass and other objects to the festival that may cause injury. In case of any problem, do not hesitate to contact the paramedics; there are 4 fixed paramedic facilities at the festival that are marked with a red cross on a yellow background. Refrigerators in the paramedic facilities are ready to store insulin or other medicines. Don’t gamble with substances that are harmful to health, prohibited, and the content of which is unknown to you; see Drugs. Protect yourself from sunlight (use hats, drink plenty of water, apply sunscreen). Maintain basic hygiene, especially wash your hands. Protect yourself also from excessive noise (earplugs are available at the Pohoda shop). Should prevention fail, see First aid.