We all need lots of love and to blow off steam every once in a while. It's been 20 years since band Para (Steam) formed and they are about to celebrate this anniversary at Bažant Pohoda 2015 as well.
22. April 2015
Para formed in 1995. Their album "Veci začali fungovať" came out in 2000. In 2001, they released album "1234" featuring hit Otec. 2004 saw the release of Para's most successful album "Brutálna zostava." Albums "Para" (2007), "Povstanie" (2010) and "Menšina" (2012) followed.
Para is known for being an amazing live act. Their unrestrained live performances turned tracks such as Ticho, Otec, Prví poslední, Prezident or Keď ťa stretnem into popular songs. For all these reasons, 20 years since they formed, Para simply can't be among the missing at Bažant Pohoda 2015.