Airport Trenčín 11 — 13 July 2024
DJ Mooshak at the Concert for the Attentive in Nova Cvernovka

DJ Mooshak at the Concert for the Attentive in Nova Cvernovka

Vladimír “Potkan” Potančok alias DJ Mooshak is another confirmed name of Concert for the Attentive in Nova Cvernovka. After having graduated from ethnology and social anthropology, he is currently the editor of the magazine Slovenský národopis and the moderator of the radio program Hudba sveta on Rádio_FM. In 2015, he co-founded the World Music from Slovakia platform, later hosting the Percussion Festival and World Music Festival Bratislava. His sporadic DJing was replaced by a series of popular-science lectures on the unusual musical instruments Cverna v uchu in the Cabinet of Slowness (2018 – 2019) in Nová Cvernovka and later the regular opening of Elektrohafla evenings (2019 – 2020). At the Concert for the Attentive, Mooshak will perform on his home stage and is preparing an eclectic two-hour afterparty for visitors.

13. November 2021