Airport Trenčín 11 — 13 July 2024
CzechCodSlovak Yummbassy at Pohoda 2022

CzechCodSlovak Yummbassy at Pohoda 2022

Pohoda will once again have the “Treskoslovenská mňambasáda prvého virtuálneho štátu Treskoslovenska” (free translation: CzechCodSlovak Yummbassy of the first virtual state of CzechCodSlovakia). Its president, the Big Bancod will ensure the supply of the popular cod salad prepared using the vintage recipe and will keep its hungry citizens at ease. There are more and more cod-salad-eaters and at the last two editions of the festival, the supply of Košice cod salad on tap, intended for the whole festival, sold out already on Saturday. Of course, we will have Treskoslovenská Treska Pikant (spicy CzechCodSlovak cod salad) and new fish salads from RYBA Košice, which visitors will be able to savour at free tastings. The head of the CzechCodSlovak state has also prepared a new design of original limited cod-salad-T-shirts and other merchandise for visitors.

24. May 2022