“LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have not taken it.”
― Timothy Leary
7. 5. 2015, 14:45:D blaze v tej Praze...
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hm, inak, lajnap ukazuje 70 mien na lastku, min. rok bolo 120, ehmmm, v priebehu nasledujucich 2 tyzdnov sa agentura asi nechysta ohlasit 50 interpretov ze ? -
6. 5. 2015, 10:04hmmm, diky za info :/ ja som stihol len ze sa meni koncepcia a bude to hore na terase, plus vecerny koncert East India Youth a support Para, Vec, Kurkus
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3. 5. 2015, 22:05diky za link Peto, vypocujem a dam tomu albumu este otoc, som zvedavy ci mi viac zarezonuju...
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3. 5. 2015, 22:00:D to miesto ma u nas dozivotne a neprekonatelne rezervovane Panacik
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Xiu Xiu a ich "tvorba"
Low-tech and stripped-down sounds can yield beauty. In the hands of this band, they yield an album trying to be difficult for difficulty’s sake, an album likely to make even the most die-hard Xiu Xiu supporters scratch their heads wonder “What the fuck were they thinking?” -
3. 5. 2015, 00:00the most annoying band on the planet!
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dufam, ze nikdy nevystupia... NIKDE!
ale uzivajte, ked vam chuti... parenie maciek je oproti tymto exotom suvix, a to mam rad riadne psychaciny -
30. 4. 2015, 15:15chybaju mi este 3 veci, elektronicka legenda
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2010 - Leftfield/Autechre
2011 - SMD a da sa povedat aj Moby
2012 - Orbital
2013 - Amon Tobin/Justice?
2014 - Kraftwerk/Modeselektor?
2015 ? nie, Reprazent naozaj nie... jeho/ich booknutie som nepobral
gitar je dost, ale nieco styl Foals by sa hodilo, a samozrejme zahranicne techenko .) -
30. 4. 2015, 14:538.2
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Dananananaykroyd vs Blink182
tak toto ma bavii, akokolvek to znie "GENRE: Emo" :D
btw Murdoc, ten novy Blur je dost mediocre, nejako som uz tusil, ze tie b-sides ma budu nakoniec bavit viac... -
28. 4. 2015, 11:09seva Slavo, ako sa mas? aj tento rok si na teba s laskou spomeniem pri naplnani exceloveho programu ;D cheers.. mal by si dojst na WP stretko, dlzim ti pivko, aj dve
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27. 4. 2015, 16:45weheeeeej, vitaj taus :) tak predsa, tesim sa... kedy dame pivko? az na letisku ci Pohoda den_FM? ,)
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23. 4. 2015, 11:01!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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