
Certified Pohoda maniac since 2008

  • Murdoc
    2. 5. 2016, 07:24

    @Evcik no určitě bude na Pohodě 2016 :) ale myslím, že ho už agentura promítala na nějaké jeich akci (nebo si to pletu s loňskem?)

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  • Murdoc
    22. 4. 2016, 13:08

    @keke škoda, že nejsem místní, taky bych se hned přidal :)

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  • Murdoc
    19. 4. 2016, 12:25

    hahah... tak to nevyšlo :D ale mám radost :)

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  • Murdoc
    19. 4. 2016, 12:21

    my brother and my sister don't speak to me but i don't blame them, but i don't blame them | my brother and my sister don't speak to me but i don't blame them, but i don't blame them | my brother and my sister don't speak to me but i don't blame them, but i don't blame them | my brother and my sister don't speak to me but i don't blame them, but i don't blame them | my brother and my sister don't speak to me but i don't blame them, but i don't blame them | my brother and my sister don't speak to me but i don't blame them, but i don't blame them | my brother and my sister don't speak to me but i don't blame them, but i don't blame them | my brother and my sister don't speak to me but i don't blame them, but i don't blame them

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  • Murdoc
    18. 4. 2016, 20:24

    @Honza_H pokud to fakt vyjde, tak budu obrovsky spokojený!

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  • Murdoc
    15. 4. 2016, 20:14

    @cookie :D good times

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  • Murdoc
    15. 4. 2016, 16:44

    @cookie no pokud zůstane jejich model vydávání alba stejný, tak bych s tím leakem moc neplašil :D TKOL snad ani leak nemělo, nebo jo?

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  • Murdoc
    15. 4. 2016, 12:27

    @lurie no nejlepší album asi ne :D ale šptné není

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  • Murdoc
    15. 4. 2016, 07:50

    @boomer tak včera jsem dal první poslech a docela se mi to líbilo. Opravdu to zní jako bratranec Let England Shake. Na ten koncert se začínám těšit!

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  • Murdoc
    12. 4. 2016, 10:50

    @Peter_BB není to špatné album, ale best ňů mjůzik mě celkem překvapilo

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