The most beautiful experience of Pohoda: winners announced
The ticket in The Most Beautiful Experience of Pohoda contest goes to Stromček Vianočný. Her compilation of strong moments during the ten editions that she had attended appealed to the greatest number of fans on our Facebook fanpage.
22. September 2015
The second ticket goes to Milan Mravec for whom the nicest experience were the smiles of people amused with his original costume.
Besides the winning posts, you have shown us beautiful pictures, mentioned getting engaged, welcoming of the sun, the most powerful concerts, adrenaline experiences, and wonderful people who help shape Pohoda.
Already now we cannot wait to see the unforgettable moments the 20th edition of the festival and Milan Mravecʼs costume ;)
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Najkrajší zážitok Pohody – súťaž o 2 lístky na 20. ročník festivaluAtmosféru nášho festivalu ani zďaleka nevytvárajú...
Posted by Festival Bažant Pohoda - official page on Wednesday, September 2, 2015