The Berlin Radio Eins: A great line-up, friendly atmosphere, and clean area
A famous presenter and editor of the German Radio Eins, Holger Luck, spared praise on our festival, too. According to him, the queues when ordering food and drink are the shortest at our festival and we have the cleanest festival lawn and the best kept toilets. Among the reasons in favour of visiting Pohoda, there were the words of praise for this year's line-up. He also highlighted the prices of 3-day tickets and the extremely friendly atmosphere at the Trenčín airport.
09. September 2015
The Berlin Radio Eins has about 100,000 listeners during an average hour. Holgerʼs specialty is tracking three Es in music: Exots, Extremists, and Experimenters. Therefore, he appreciated that we invite also unknown bands to our festival that are waiting to be discovered, such as Fufana from Iceland and Lola Marsh from Israel.