Sound Of Can – become a “can” DJ
You will be able to use samplers and synthesizers to compose your own “can” tracks at Pohoda. This activity is organised by the Association of European producers of beverage cans for Central and Eastern Europe, Bevcan East, in the framework of the Sound of Can project. It will include a demonstration of a "can" version of the song Beh by Korben Dallas, which will then be played in Radio(active zone)_FM.
17. June 2016
Sound of Can brings interesting songs by the renowned Slovak musicians in a can version. The project has already engaged musicians such as Petijee, Ink Midget, Jerguš Oravec, and bands Gonsofus and Korben Dallas. The latter made a can version of their song Beh and they are going to play it also at their mini concert in Radio(active zone)_FM. The tent will also have a small resting area and other activities aimed at genuine fun using beverage cans.