Soon: Pohoda in the Clubs vol.B
31.3. – 2.4. are the dates when festival Bažant Pohoda returns to the clubs. Towns that begin with the letter B are our destination this time: Brezno, Banská Bystrica and Brno, Czech Republic.
21. March 2015
On the programme there will be a screening of a festival movie Pohoda 2014, discussion with the director Petra Všelichová and with the founder of Pohoda Michal Kaščák. There will also be a performance of one of the first confirmed bands of this years' lineup - serbian Repetitor, and DJ Drappenmadchenfeller will take care of the afterparty. Repetitor is a band from Belgrade's post-punk garage scene. Heavy rock'n'roll of this seemingly unobtrusive trio will sweep you with their authentic appeal. Their concerts are an intesive blend of catchy melodies, heavy rhythms and breathtaking enthusiasm. No wonder that this atypical trio defines a whole new chapter of serbian guitar culture. Pohoda Shop will be present at the venues, where you can buy tickets for Bažant Pohoda festival 2015, T-shirts, bags, badges or different merchandise. For every festival ticket bought at the venues, the buyer will also get a bonus T-shirt from the Pohoda Shop.
We're looking forward to meet you 31.3. @ Bombura club in Brezno, 1.4. @ Záhrada in Banská Bystrica, 2.4. @ Kabinet Múz in Brno.