Saturday night punk-metal fever at Garage
Pišta Vandal is curating Saturday's lineup at Garage and was really excited to accepted this offer. The name that curates this venue alone guarantees a crash test of stability of the garage made of concrete and of audience's eardrums. Beats per minute and decibels will also add to it. Besides Pišta's band Čad, who will be playing with full lineup at this occasion, bands Hypnotic, Fyasco and Vydrapená Bužírka Punk Systém will join them.
18. June 2016
Crust-grind band Čad from Svätý Jur have been on the scene for 22 years. In 2011, they won a Radio_Head Award in the category of hard&heavy for their album Ťažký kov. Since 2006, they play with a “family” line-up – siblings Pišta Vandal and Baška are in charge of axes and Baška's husband is a drum hammer named Váler Tornád. In 2012's interview for hudba.sk, Pišta Vandal describes the band as follows: “We're teetotallers and since 1994 the only way for us to let off steam is music. It's a really great way to relax. I go to the studio, plug in my guitar and play it loud. That's when I totally disappear, I dive into the sea, and don't exist. There's just the sound and me in it.”
Vydrapená Bužírka Punk System (Disrupted Spaghetti Insulation Punk System) is an antisport artistic band from Little Carpathians based in Department of Culturology at Janko Pukoslav Hokejka University. Currently, they are rehearsing in Svätý Jur, homeland to Čad, which is why the band members think they got invitation from Pišta Vandal to join the line-up at Garage at Pohoda. VBPS was founded at the beginning of a new millennium as a reaction to fitness club domination in Slovakia. As written in their song “Revolution”, fitness centres should be changed to music clubs with VBPS songs on air. VBPS are the first punk band with their own waiter on the stage, who is serving not only members of the band, but also courageous fans willing to enjoy gin with sheep's whey or peppermint liqueur with new half-fermented wine. Pankáč, Korzár, Helmut and Vajco will be playing their first official concert at Pohoda thanks to a teetotaller and also thai boxer Pišta Vandal, which is a paradox worth noting.
On Saturday, Trenčín-based band Fyasco will get a chance to play their chaotic hardcore on the smallest but coolest stage as well. The band is formed by members of Downstream, where Galo plays the guitar and Holup the bass. Within Fyasco, Holup plays the drums, Galo the bass and they are accompanied by guitarist Stoty Tattooer. Since they haven't been able to find a vocalist for some time, according to Holup, they made an elegant compromise instead: “We're all shouting like crazy and do music intuitively as we feel it. No big playing and we love it so much!”
Hypnotic are a thrash-metal Bratislava-based band founded in summer of 2015. Their music is influenced mainly by the likes of Slayer, Metallica and Sepultura. They have recently released their first two songs “Gift of Misery” and “Fate Ensured” and are currently working on another three pieces. Their demo should be available by the end of this summer. According to Pišta Vandal, they are somethingextraordinary on local metal scene. Garage it is!