Airport Trenčín 11 — 13 July 2024
Reactions of Pohoda 2022 artists

Reactions of Pohoda 2022 artists

Besides beautiful comments from our visitors and awesome reviews, the reactions from the performers always make us incredibly happy after every Pohoda... Molchat Doma's agent Jules de Lattre wrote us shortly after the festival: Our hopes for every other festival is that they put as much hope, soul and passion into their event. Space Lady's agent passed on her reaction to us: "The Pohoda Festival was the biggest and BEST I’ve EVER played!!! They treated us like royalty, and to say the food was gourmet would be a huge understatement." The Greatest Hits tried out the main stage of Pohoda shortly after Pohoda FM day, to which they reacted by saying: "Keep getting emotional thinking about the fact that we got this crazy opportunity. Still can’t believe it. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for letting us be a part of this super special festival!" We have received a lot of amazing reactions to the concert of the Ukrainian band GO_A, and the feeling was apparently mutual: "There aren't enough words to describe how cool it was! This is the energy charge that we all needed. Amazed. Grateful. Full of strength to continue our cultural struggle." You can read and check out many more reactions in this article:

22. July 2022

The Libertines
FB: Thank you Pohoda Festival, enjoy the rest of your weekend  

Richie Hawtin
Behind the scenes weekend photo dump after four great events, all totally different! Thanks everyone at @proofofpeople @ultraeurope @pohodafestival @the_third_room_t3r Stone Techno Festival. Thanks to my gang for making all things possible (and those not in the photos)

Noga Erez
So much fun!!! Thank you @Pohodaofficial 

Floating points
Dakujem @pohodafestival what a vibe!

Jules de Lattre (agent Molchat Doma)

Our hopes for every other festival is that they put as much hope, soul and passion into their event.

Congrats :)

Space Lady
The Pohoda Festival was the biggest and BEST I’ve EVER played!!! They treated us like royalty, and to say the food was gourmet would be a huge understatement
Please send special thanks to Katarina for being our Guardian Angel every inch of the way!!!
Ig: Ahojte! Thank you Pohoda for the wonderful landing pad and thank you to Trenčin for coming out!


Emel Mathlouthi
Saturday I had the pleasure of meeting the wonderful and so humble president of Slovakia @zuzana_caputova after my performance @pohodafestival and what an audience!!!!
Thank you all for a stellar hospitality and an unforgettable experience for me and my family.
Aidkom Mabrouk!!! <3

There aren't enough words to describe how cool it was! This is the energy charge that we all needed. @pohodafestival, were the absolute magic under the stage and the most enthusiastic audience included in our rider?

Amazed. Grateful. Full of strength to continue our cultural struggle.

We’ll definitely come back to you again <3


Ig: Incredible festival and incredible vibes. Much love to all the wonderful people that joined us at 2.30am with so much energy. Thank you to the Europa stage crew and big love to @skrivodlivost for looking after us perfectly.

Tw: Wow, is all we can say. Wow.

The energy last night was something special! Thank you for having us @Pohodaofficial.

Fb: Pohoda Festival was absolutely incredible

The Comet is Coming
Thank you @Pohodaofficial - great to be back in Slovakia first time since 2019..carnage ensued..inside the Expansion Beam!!!

Trupa Trupa
Thank you Pohoda Festival!

Ahoj Pohoda ste popiči! Ďakujem to everyone who came to our show, you were so many!!  and  to the people of Pohoda Festival  for organising one of the best festivals in Europe :)

Balming Tiger
Ďakujem Slovakia 

Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs

We had a most excellent time at @2000trees_festival and @pohodafestival over the weekend.

Sunshine, sunflowers, a giant pig and masses of people coming together to lose their minds. Couldn’t have been any better. <3

@pohodafestival was PERFECTION! Thanx for having us!

Big thank you for this opportunity beeeeeeest festival out there!

thank you Pohoda Festival!!  God enjoyed himself very much. 

Barbora Tomášková
nečakane nám dnes z Poľska prišli tieto fotky od Norbert Burkowski. Ďakujeme, potešilo! Koncert sme si užili naplno ;)
Pohoda festival <3

Medial Banana & Polemic
@branobajza posielame veľa síl <3 a prajeme skoré uzdravenie.
Včera sa počas koncertu s @polemicska na @pohodafestival bohužial stala nehoda. Bejzo posiela pozdravy z nemocnice, kde ho čaká operácia ruky. Pošlite mu trochu energie, nech sa môže vrátiť na pódia co najskôr.

Bolo pre nás velmi ťažké dohrať koncert po tejto nepríjemnej udalosti. Ďakujeme za úžasnú podporu a energiu od všetkých <3<3<3
#medialbanana #polemic #pohodafestival
Včera na @pohodafestival zažil Bejzo voľný pád z pódia, pri ktorom nám stuhla krv v žilách….

Posiela pozdrav z nemocnice, kde ho zajtra čaká operácia dvojitej fraktúry ruky. Odkazuje, že to prežil a ďakuje personálu za skvelú strostlivosť.

Obrovsky ďakujeme úžasnému publiku, ktoré nás podržalo na festivale.

Pošlite mu energiu na diaľku aj Vy, nech to všetko dobre dopadne a vráti sa čo najskôr na koncertné pódium.

Priatelia, odohrali sme už viac ako 2000 koncertov, ale včera to bola skúška ohňom.

Pád člena kapely z pódia sme už zažili viackrát, ale odvoz záchrankou a zlomeninu ruky ako pamiatku na koncert - to je iná káva…

Tuho sme zvažovali, či koncert dohráme, no Vaša energia a slová Bejza z lehátka v starostivých rukách zdravotníkov rozhodli.

Dohrali sme to aj za neho, lebo Vy ste si to zaslúžili.

Tento ročník Pohoda Festivalu si zapamätáme navždy!

Adam Kvasnica
Ďakujem za príležitosť a novú skúsenosť! Dohral som o 4:44 

Ďakujem za príležitosť, podporu a novú skúsenosť! dohral som presne o 4:44 hod vtedy zvyčajne už ráno vstávam

Ďakujeme moc!!!

Veľké ďakujem patrí @pohodafestival a celému tímu čo sa staral o to aby všetko od organizácie po zvuk fungovalo <3
Ďakujem našemu manažérovi - skvelému @danielfilipb a amazing spoluhráčom @domini___k , @marek_votruba a @vadimq.q .
Ďakujeme za fotky od @mmmusicphoto . A @efemko za zvukový záznam a jeho vysielanie. (Vysielať sa bude opäť neskôr v auguste)

The Greatest Hits
It feels extremely nice to be heading back to Slovakia again! See you tomorrow at @pohodafestival 14:40 (Main Stage)

A few clips from one of the greatest days of all of our lives..
@pohodafestival you were absolutely INSANE.
Keep getting emotional thinking about the fact that we got this crazy opportunity. Still can’t believe it.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for letting us be a part of this super special festival!

We <3 Slovakia !!

They Hate Change 
Thanks Slovakia :)

I usually play mid sized venues but performing for this kind of crowd was just pure magic. thank you so much for the chance @Pohodaofficial I will NEVER forget.
IG: merci million @pohodafestival <3<3<3

stale rozdychavame. dakujem nekonecne za sancu okupovat tento mega stage v najlepsi cas. tazko sa toto cele popisuje v jednom update, ale ste najlepsi crowd a zhora som mal pocit ze je to gig pre 100 ludi

takyto skok z klubov pre 200 ludi na taky stage by sa vobec nedal bez tychto ludi mega som vam vdacny za to @realsomething_tm @100huf @miro.laho @annetx @ideatnkd @nvmeri @trongirls @monnush @veronika.prielozna @beshiu @nivva_ @viktorkyselica @rdsvsk @vierasmasz a samozrejme totalne profi teamu pohody od bookingu az po stage technikov radost robit s vami.
@pohodafestival a vám, ktori ste zaplnili Arénu Slovenskej sporiteľne. O tomto sa nam ani v najlepšom sne nesnívalo <3

Jimmy Pé
Včera som sa skvele bavil! Ďakujem veľmi pekne @pohodafestival  Ospravedlňujem sa ak ste nestihli kvôli problémom s kapacitou, snáď nabudúce to bude väčšie 
Tamara Kramár
First time as a performer!!
Thank you @milosh_harajda and @_iqos_cz_sk for having us and thank YOU for being there and singing along <3
Chiki-liki Tu-a
Ahoj,všetci sa nás na to pýtajú furt dookola, takže pripájame postreh Olivera Reháka Denník N z koncertu na Pohode.
"Ľubo Petruška je nenahraditeľný, ale Raptor Koch je nový originál. Prísť do kapely, ktorá odohrala najviac koncertov zo všetkých kapiel na Slovensku, nanovo ju vybudiť a zároveň zostať sám sebou je totálna frajerina. Fungovalo to už od úvodnej pesničky Do našeho mesta v novej verzii v mollovej tónine."

Saténové ruky
Ďakujeme vám aj Pohoda Festivalu za tieto momenty!
Za tento konkrétny photo moment môže Tomáš Benedikovič.
A skúsime si takú hru - kto má akúkoľvek fotku z koncertu, uverejní ju do komentára 
Včerajší koncert v Café Kušnierik bol ohromný!
O 21.30 si ho budete môcť vypočuť na vlnách Radio_FM. Ďakujeme :*
Photo credit: