Pohoda is growing
The competition forces in table football have increased in our office, as Martin Matwe Kaščák and Mária Rusinová (previously Koprnová), the longtime seasonal collaborators of the festival, joined our agency as full-time employees. Matwe will manage the web, assist in production, and support Veronika Gulášová, the partnership director. Majka managed temporary workers for many years; her new main task will be taking care of our office and shop.
17. September 2015
Pohoda has also recently gained two youngest fans. Ľubka Ščambová gave birth to her son Marek in Trenčín this March, and about half a year later, Daniel Repka, the son of Tóno, our PR manager, came into the world in a hospital in Brno. Both juniors have already attended their first Pohoda (one in the pram and the other in the belly).
There is a great potential for the further growth of the youngest fan base. Martin Kráľovič, the head of our volunteers, got, completely voluntarily, married. His wedding programme resembled rather a small showcase festival than a normal wedding, as Lasky, Miso Kaščák, Mária Čírová, and the phenomenal Zajačie prdy sang for the newlyweds at their wedding reception.