Polish singer and producer LASS (Kasia Klimczyk) composes synth-pop songs that feature real stories and unusual sound combinations. She has given dozens of solo concerts and performances at festivals around the world (New York, South Korea, Poland, and Lithuania). LASS won our hearts at Zandari Festa in Seoul, and now she is going to show her specific play with sound, voice, and image also at Pohoda 2017.
04. January 2017
What is typical of LASSʼ music is its authenticity, diversity, imaginative melodies, and distinctive vocals combined with non-traditional twin vocals. She has a weakness for the sounds of computer games, harmonium, omnichord, arpeggiator, synthesisers, distorted electric guitars, contrabass, and wind instruments. All of this result in a synth-pop tangle of genuine sound colours. Her concerts are complemented with a varied visual show and thus LASS creates a hypnotising audio-visual ritual on stage. In September, she earned visitorsʼ hearts at the South Korean Zandari Festa (a Korean equivalent of Liverpool Sound City). As the portal naTemat.pl reported, Seoul fans accompanied her across the capital already after the first concert (out of four). Besides the Korean audience, her work appealed to Michal as well, and you will have the opportunity to see and hear this talented musician also at Pohoda 2017.