Concert for Martina and Ján in Gregorovce
On 5 May, the day when Martina Kušnírová and Ján Kuciak planned on getting married, their families will meet in Gregorovce. As a token of fellowship, a concert for Martina and Ján will be held in Gregorovce on that day, with the consent of their families. When preparing the previous memorial events, we found out what music Martina Kušnírová and Ján Kuciak liked. Several of their favourite artists, as well as other names of the Slovak and Czech scenes, will come to Gregorovce to honour their memory along with their relatives.
17. April 2018
The event will begin at 2:00 pm with a service in the local church of the Birth of Our Lady. The concert itself will start at 4:00 pm on a nearby football pitch. Performing artists will be Jana Kirschner, Sima Martausová, Para, Vec and Zuzana Mikulcová, Konvergencie Quartet – Jozef Lupták, Marián Svetlík, Andrej Baran, Julián Veverica, Michael Kocáb and Karpatské chrbáty, Bez ladu a skladu, Chiki liki tu-a, Sendreiovci, Longital, B Complex, Živé kvety, Puding pani Elvisovej, Štefan Štec and folk ensemble Hornád, as well as the choir Gregos of Gregorovce. Visual art works will complement the event: a selection of visual artistsʼ reactions will be shown on a wide-screen, Martin Dzurek and Jano Vajsabel will exhibit their sculpture “They brought us together”, and Rudo Sikora is preparing the work “We will meet and leave a track”.
“The main message of the concert is the fellowship with the families of Martina Kušnírová and Ján Kuciak. Liberal arts need freedom for their existence, the freedom for which Martina and Ján died. The concert held on the day of their planned wedding carries the symbol of a meeting—on that day, they were going to bring together two families, and we believe that the event and the message of Martina and Ján will bring together many people who care about our country” said Michal Kaščák about the planned concert. There will be a shuttle service available from 1:00 pm from the Prešov main station to Gregorovce and back with additional stops at Trojica and the Šariš Park in Veľký Šariš.
The event is organised by Pohoda with the participation of the club Stromoradie and the village of Gregorovce.
FB event is available here: www.facebook.com/events/2114466775476767