Letisko Trenčín 11 — 13 júl 2024
Ako vnímali Pohodu umelci?

Ako vnímali Pohodu umelci?

Sigur Rós nám hneď po koncerte vraveli o najlepšom zvuku v rámci aktuálneho turné. Manažér The Prodigy nám napísal, že mali doposiaľ najlepšiu show tohto leta. Aj agent Mbongwana Star, Saul Williams a Ester Rada dostáva od umelcov nádhernú spätnú väzbu. Pohoda je podľa neho jeden z top, ak nie úplne najlepší európsky festival. Krásne slová Pohode a našim návštevníkom venovali aj Lola Marsh či Jana Kirschner. Pozrite si aj ďalšie reakcie, tweety a facebookove posty umelcov.

15. júl 2016

John Fairs, manager The Prodigy
Thank you so much, the band, crew and myself had the best show of the summer so far.
big respect to you and your team.

Agent Fabrice Gogendeau, agent Mbongwana Star, Saul Williams, Ester Rada:
No doubt your festival is one of the top if not the top European festival! I’m always getting thrilling feedbacks from our artists performing at Pohoda.

Maria Orlandi (Roisin Murphy Tour manager)
Everything from the hotel and the catering and the stage and every single person working was absoultely fabulous, please also pass my thank you to all the press team and especially to your wonderful stage managers who we think are the best we have ever seen! ... and of course to lovely Natalia who always smiled when I changed the plans again and again :)

It's everyone else
Wow, what a brilliant evening/night we had at Pohoda Festival! Thanks a million times to all the people that came to see us play and helped us boil up Visegrad Club! We really didn't expect such an explosion of good energy!
Thanks a ton to all the people involved in the organisation of Pohoda - your hospitality is unmatched! We heard that this festival was amongst the best in the world and now we know why!

Slovakia gets busy, they don't need no words, and anything is a club if the speakers work!"

Ester Rada
First show for this tour, Slovakia pohoda you ROCK!!!!

Max Jury
Slovakia ! Pohoda ! I had an amazing time. Thanks for having me.

Dub Pistols
Epic show Pohoda Festival, we really loved this festival Last night rocked hard Pohoda Festival Slovakia got smashed up,

Sigur Rós
takk slovakia & Pohoda Festival ‪#‎SRslovakia‬ - we’d love to read your reviews here

Monsieur Periné
Thanks to everyone for sharing this energy!!!

DIGITAL 21 at Pohoda Festival.
Slovakia <3 Thank you Pohoda Festival

Amazing scenes at Pohoda Festival in Slovakia on Saturday night.

Barry Ashworth ‏@dubpistols  22h22 hours ago Berkhamsted, England
big shout out to everyone @Pohodaofficial you all rock

Thank you @Pohodaofficial ! We had an amazing time!

...as always it was pleasure to play at #Pohoda <3

Never Sol ‏@Never_Sol  Jul 11
Thanks so much to everyone for the lovely time at @Pohodaofficial !

Lola Marsh ‏@Lola_Marsh_Band  Jul 10
Oh @Pohodaofficial !! last evening was perfect.
We love you! Thank you ❤️ Dakujem!

MIDI LIDI ‏@midilidi  Jul 10
@Pohodaofficial byla opět top! Díky!

PSB HQ ‏@PSB_HQ  Jul 10
Last night at @Pohodaofficial, Slovakia. Possibly our favourite European festival gig so far

Marcel van Gastel (Bazzookas)
Just saw the 'bazzookas' session video! Oh men it looks great!!! Fantastic job to you and your team!!

Jana Kirschner
Ďakujeme všetkým, ktorí boli s nami na Budiš stage v sobotu v noci. Bolo to pre mna opäť úplne nové a Pohoda ma opäť presvedčila, že nás je veľa....Ľudí, ktorí to cítia rovnako ako ja. Ďakujeme Pohode a všetkým skvelým ľuďom, ktorí neúnavne pracovali, aby naplnili naše aj vaše očakávania, v backstagoch, na pódiách, v kaviarnach....Naša úcta! Na ceste do Londyna...mám vás rada. :)

Jozef Lupták (violončelista, šéf festivalu Konvergencie)
Čarovné na Pohode je to, že nikto nemusí vyhrať. Že sa môžeme tešiť z myšlienok a najmä jeden z druhého... bez potreby víťazstva nad druhým. A preto vyhrávame všetci spolu. Zdá sa to veľmi neambiciózne, ale je to v skutočnosti mega-ťažké. VĎaka Miško a všetci, ktorí ste tam makali pre nás

Včera sa diali veci, ďakujeme festivalu a želáme všetko najlepšie ku dvadsiatke!

Ste úžasní, z najhlbšieho vnútra vám ďakujem a posielam <3

Walter Schnitzelsson
Thank you all for coming. It was special. ‪#‎pohoda2016‬

Billy Barman
Ď A K U J E M E !!! ❤️❤️❤️

The Ills
What?! Pohoda! Dakujeme, bolo to neuveritelne a krasne!